To insure a higher quality product, the delivery day for the La Douceur Letter is moving from the Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month to the Second and Fourth Thursday.
This shift permits us greater time in our company's workflow to craft a document worthy of your time and attention and which is in keeping with our high standards.
The upcoming edition has several interesting stories, including the wrap up of our Speaker Spotlight with Michael Wickett, our continuing series on database business intelligence and more. We also welcome your contributions, especially if you are conducting public presentations and events, releasing new materials or have news of interest to your peers.
I invite you to tune by our ON THE DEAN'S LIST podcast on Wednesday July 24th to hear keynote speaker and sales trainer Don Zavis. Don and I have been friends for several years now, and I assure you that we will have a presentation that is informative, insightful and entertaining. Click here at 11 AM to hear us LIVE or any time after then to enjoy us in the archives:
Look forward to having our newsletter in your inbox on Thursday, July 25th .
Best Regards Always,
W. Dean La Douceur, MBA
The La Douceur Letter
a service of Dean's List Publishers